News Update: Clarification on Children Education Allowance (CEA) and Hostel Subsidy in Jammu and Kashmir


The Finance Department (Codes Division) of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir has issued a clarification regarding the grant of Children Education Allowance (CEA) and Hostel Subsidy to employees of the Union Territory. Here are the key points:

1. Background: In 2019, the government sanctioned CEA and Hostel Subsidy for Jammu and Kashmir employees, aligning it with the Central Government's policies.

2. Admissibility Criteria: As per the government order, reimbursement of CEA and Hostel subsidy can be claimed only for the two eldest surviving children. However, an exception is made in case of twins or multiple births resulting from the second child's birth. Additionally, if sterilization operation fails, CEA/Hostel Subsidy is admissible for children born out of the first instance of such failure beyond the usual two-child norm.

3. Clarification from DoPT: The matter was taken up with the Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, P.G, and Pensions, Government of India. In response, the DoPT clarified that in the event of multiple births (more than 02) in the first child birth reimbursement of CEA may be allowed for all children born in the first child birth similar to the provisions mentioned in the O.M dated 17.07.2018.

4. New Education Policy 2020: Furthermore, the Government of India has outlined the following regarding CEA and Hostel Subsidy:

   - Eligibility: These allowances are admissible for children studying from three classes before class one to twelfth standard regardless of class nomenclature.

   - Additional Courses: CEA and Hostel Subsidy also apply to the initial two years of diploma/certificate courses in Polytechnic/ITI/Engineering Colleges if pursued after passing the standard.

   - Time Relaxation: Government employees whose children repeat an additional class due to the implementation of the New Education Policy 2020 are granted a one-time relaxation for reimbursement.

   - The policy will come into effect from the academic year 2023-24.

Watch video on CEA and Hostel Subsidy:

This clarification ensures equitable benefits for employees and their children's education. 

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