The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has released the provisional answer key for the written examination conducted for the post of Patwari in the Revenue Department. The examination, advertised under Notification No. 02 of 2021, was held on 1st September 2024.
Candidates who appeared for the exam can now refer to the provisional answer key provided in Annexure "A" of the official notification. The answer key covers all series of the question paper (A, B, C, and D).
Objection Submission Details:
Candidates who wish to raise objections regarding any answer can do so by submitting their claims in the prescribed format. The objections must be submitted with the relevant documentary proof (Annexure B) and a fee of ₹200 per question. This fee is to be paid in the form of a demand draft, drawn in favour of the Accounts Officer, J&K Services Selection Board. The objections must be submitted in hard copy only.
The window for submitting objections will be open for three working days starting from 2nd September 2024 during office hours. Candidates must note that objections will only be accepted offline at the JKSSB office located at CPO Chowk, Panjtirthi, Jammu/Zamzam Complex, Rambagh, Srinagar.
The final answer key will be revised based on valid objections, and the revised key will be applicable to all candidates. However, the JKSSB will not individually notify candidates about the acceptance or rejection of their objections.
Download Answer key Patwari examination
Download Question paper Patwari examination
For further details, candidates are advised to check the official JKSSB website or visit the JKSSB office.